Concluding Part

__________________________________________QUESTIONS TO ASK BEFORE MARRIAGE...__________________________________________

1. Can you Love This Person For Life? You need to be sure you can love this person for life till death separates you.

2. Do Know What You Want In an Intended Spouse? You must know what you want in an intended spouse or else you could see him/her but not recognize him/her.

3. Have you ever felt deeply insecure in a relationship? Were you able to name your fear?

4. When was the first time you felt that you were in love with another person? What happened in that relationship, and how have you come to terms with it?

5. What is the longest relationship you have ever had prior to this one? Why did it end, and what lesson did you learn?

6. Have you ever been married? If so, are you divorced or widowed? You need to know so you can handle your partner with understanding.

7. If you have a current partner, do they know of behaviors that you exhibited in your previous relationship that you are not proud of?

8. Do you believe that past relationships should be left in the past and not talked about in your current relationship?

9. Do you tend to judge current partners on past relationships?

10. Have you ever been engaged to be married but didn't go through with the wedding? If yes, what happened?

11. Do you harbor fears that the person you love might reject you or fail out of love with you?

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